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YES, you ARE asleep!

Updated: Oct 1, 2022

"I'm just resting my eyes." That's the most ridiculous one, by far...especially when it's coupled by snoring that you can hear rooms away. WhY can't men just admit that they've dozed off? Do they think it challenges their masculinity or insults their youthfulness? My husband willfully acknowledges in the morning that he fell asleep and has no idea whY he can't admit it in THAT moment. The moment just after I sweetly say, "babe, you're sleeping why don't you go to bed?" Nope, he just can't help but adamantly deny that his eyes were even closed, let alone that he fell asleep and was snoring. Half the time it concludes with him saying he's hungry and getting up to get a snack. Hungry? He can't possibly be hungry, he was JUST asleep!! Is that just a ploy to wake himself up so he doesn't doze right back off and be wrong? Who knows....I just don't get it and just add it to my whY list. When my eyes feel even the slightest bit heavy, I'm up and off to bed. Who wants to risk the inevitable crick in the neck, anyhow? I don't see what the issue is and why can't he just say "shit, I dozed off so I'm going to bed." It's not like I'm going to reply, "you're such a wimp" or "you're old as shit".......(well, unless the nightly news is still on, then I probably couldn't help myself).

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